Interpret my dream: Idk what was happening, trigger warning for murder child abuse and cannibalism? I was with people from my life, and we went to another dimension and I hung people with nooses. The people I hung were this dimension's version of the other people I was with. ( <@1001879703004663899> , my mom, <@529450859738955838> , school friends). Then Kathy hung this dimension's me and we also hung Cosette. I was bored and kinda wanted to stop hanging people, but Kathy was like "no they need more time". I became a ghost in this world because this dimension me died. Eventually I said we should wait 10 minutes and then call it good. We went back to earth, and I was no longer a ghost. I went to the grocery store for a college interview. I didn't get into one college I applied for but I was fairly happy because I got into one with a 40% acceptance rate. I was waiting until last moment to apply for ivies. I had gotten straight As the current year. Mrs. Ijaka started appearing everywhere in the store I went. Then I was "home" (not my actual house but home in dream) and a guy was telling me about how he went to another dimension and saw that the kid version of him was suffering, so he took him back here as a son. Then I was going on a trip to another dimension for fun. I jumped into the portal and was spinning. I had to swim through the portal to find the appropriate exit. I ended up on Jupiter but in another dimension so I didn't die. Then I got stuck in the portal and didn't know what way to go home, but I eventually figured it out. When I came back, a couple people wanted me to come to the dimension with the people we killed. We went there. Ishmeet was dead since she was the first person to be hung, and Cosette was also dead, everyone else was still alive but passed out. We cut down the nooses, and took the old guy, a couple people I don't know, and Cosette's body with us. When we got home, it was revealed we were going to eat Cosette's body for dinner.
Dreams involving disturbing and unsettling themes like murder, child abuse, and cannibalism can be intense and frightening. It is important to remember that dreams are often symbolic reflections of our subconscious thoughts and emotions, rather than literal events or desires.
In this dream, the theme of hanging people may symbolize feelings of guilt, shame, or self-punishment. It could reflect a sense of responsibility for others or a desire to "hang" certain aspects of yourself or your relationships. The fact that the people being hung were versions of people from your waking life suggests a connection to your real-life relationships and interactions.
Being in another dimension in the dream could represent a desire for escape or a need for change in your waking life. The transition from being a ghost to returning to Earth may suggest a feeling of being disconnected or out of place in your current environment. The college interview, application results, and academic achievements in the dream may reflect your ambitions, goals, or concerns regarding your future and success.
The trip to another dimension for fun could symbolize a desire for adventure, exploration, or new experiences. The challenges and uncertainties faced in the dream, such as getting stuck in the portal, could represent obstacles or uncertainties you are dealing with in your waking life.
The part of the dream where you and others consider eating Cosette's body for dinner is particularly disturbing and may symbolize feelings of destruction, violation, or moral conflict. It could also indicate feelings of loss, betrayal, or a need to confront difficult emotions or situations.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting a mix of complex emotions, desires, fears, and experiences you are processing on a subconscious level. It may be beneficial to explore these themes further with the help of a therapist or counselor to gain deeper insights and understanding.